The Saskatoon Heritage Society offers a wide variety of programming including walking tours of several heritage sites throughout the Saskatoon area. We also offer workshops on heritage restoration, mount heritage displays at community events and provide guest speakers for meetings, classroom presentations and special events.
As a member you will receive copies of our newsletter Heritage Connections and a discount on the purchase of our award winning journal Saskatoon History Review. In addition you will be invited to attend our New Years Gathering, our annual fundraising luncheon and silent auction and our annual general meeting. At all of these functions we arrange to have speakers knowledgable about heritage issues.
If you need information, please email us . We will be in touch.
Saskatoon Heritage Society History
The Saskatoon Heritage Society was founded in 1976 following public concern over the demolition of the Standard Trust Building which used to stand at the corner of 22nd Street and 3rd Ave., adjacent to the present day Sturdy Stone building. A non-profit charitable organization, it is dedicated to the preservation of buildings, neighbourhoods and sites in Saskatoon which are of historical and aesthetic value. The Society also encourages Saskatonians to take an active interest in the history of their city.
What We Do
- advocate for heritage issues
- act as a forum for heritage concerns
- organize special events to promote heritage awareness
- undertake special research
- publish an annual journal, The Saskatoon History Review
- publish a quarterly newsletter, the Gargoyle
- facilitate public lectures and workshops on heritage topics
- provide tour guides for historical walks
- cooperate with local and provincial authorities in their heritage programming
What You Can Do
- become a member of the Saskatoon Heritage Society
- attend our public programs and meetings
- volunteer to work on a committee
- write an article for one of our publications
- help organize an architectural or historical tour
- become a tour guide
- research the history of a building, or of your own home
- make a donation to the Society, (tax deductible)
- promote heritage awareness among your friends
Our Mandate
The Saskatoon Heritage Society’s mandate is to provide an independent voice for the preservation of Saskatoon’s heritage. The Society achieves this by:
- Encouraging an appreciation and understanding of our historic places and cultural heritage;
- Raising awareness of and advocating for Saskatoon’s heritage;
- Promoting the understanding and advancement of best practices in heritage preservation;
- Providing a platform for the gathering and sharing of knowledge;
- Recognizing excellence in local heritage preservation, and;
- Providing opportunities for the community to learn and participate.
Our Mission
The Saskatoon Heritage Society’s mission is to advocate, support, and inspire Saskatoon to become a model for heritage preservation by:
- Facilitating organizational collaboration;
- Sharing research, tools, resources and knowledge;
- Offering innovative and unique approaches, and;
- Creating pride and excitement within our community.
Our Vision
Our Vision is a Saskatoon that is informed and passionate about our heritage: where our unique identity is valued, our historic places and architectural landmarks treasured and our history and stories celebrated.
You can view the Saskatoon Heritage Society 2015 Strategic Visioning Report here.
Who We Are (2024/2025 board)
President: Lenore Swystun
Vice President: Wally Wells
Past President: Peggy Sarjeant
Treasurer: James Wood
Memberships: Claire Bullaro
Secretary / Website / Facebook / Videos: Terry Hoknes
Linda Dietz
Roland Dumont
Patti McGillivray
Al Morton
James Ridgway
Barbara Shawcross